Software Development and Visualization

DL softwareEN

SIMATIC WinCC Professional

SIMATIC WinCC Professional is a perfectly in TIA Portal integrated SCADA System, to solve the visualisation-requirements of complex sites / machines.
mehr Info zu Projekte mit WinCC Professional

DL softwareEN

SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture

Very large or complex visualisation-requirements, or very special system conditions, dislocated systems, interfaces with other subsections, or huge control center units: SIMATIC WinCC OA is extrem scaleable and the top-solution for operation-system indenpendent SCADA solutions. For deeper information, please take a look to the reference project CENERI Tunnel Switzerland or the product details.
mehr Info zu Projekte mit WinCC Open Aritecture

DL softwareEN

GNCpro roll grinding control

To be able to use the full potential of a roll grinding machine, you need a flexible software, which gives the operator the power to cotrol the machine in full. We developed the software based on our long lasting expirience! For details, please take a look on this capture.
mehr Details zum Funktionsumfang GNCpro